The selection of the right kayak plays an important role when it comes to the fun of paddling. Start by determining the type of kayaking you plan to do: recreational, touring or white water. Recreation kayaks are very stable and are suitable for use in flat water while the touring kayaks are built for use in longer trips and have better directional stability. Another type of kayak that is easy to transport is the inflatable kayaks; they are easy to store as well.
Secondly, one should look at the size and weight of the kayak. A longer kayak is generally more directional stable, while a shorter kayak is easier to turn. Do not ignore the weight capacity since it will determine whether you and your items will fit in.
Also, select the appropriate materials. Plastic kayaks are cheap and tough, fiberglass or composite kayaks are lighter and faster but they are costlier. Last but not least, be sure that you have such items as paddles and personal floatation devices. This way, you can determine what you need and what you want in a kayak so you can get the best one for your water activities.